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Don and Mary Jo Lenauer

Don and Mary Jo Lenauer

Don and Mary Jo Lenauer have been ardent supporters of the work of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation for nearly three decades. Over the years, their personal connection to the mission has inspired them to donate approximately six million dollars in support of our critical work in advancing IBD research. Each year, they invest time with Foundation researchers and leadership to learn about the latest advancements that have been made and upcoming priorities of the organization. They recently increased their annual donation to the Foundation and committed to a multi-year pledge in support of the Genetics Initiative.

Don and Mary Jo serve as an inspiration to the constituents of the Mid-America Chapter and their generosity has impacted the lives of thousands of IBD patients across the country. Their example of committed, ongoing benevolence has helped launch additional fundraising initiatives by the local chapter board and has energized volunteer leaders to focus on achieving fundraising goals. Most importantly, they have given greater hope to individuals impacted by IBD locally, by showing that there are people in the community who are dedicated to fueling the momentum behind our research and fight with us to ultimately find a cure for these devastating diseases.